

Age:4 months

Darling Hopper got her name because she was the first of her classic tabby litter of five to hop over the bathtub rim and then hop back to join her siblings' cuddlepuddle! Later she was the first to hop halfway up the bedside and climb the rest of the way to snuggle with her foster mom, then back to the cuddlepuddle she'd hop!  Ping pong balls in the bathtub and supervising anything that's going on keeps her happily entertained. A teenage boy kitty is adored by this lively litter, and they've also enjoyed several adult kitties. But when it's time to rest they are all deeply affectionate and love to be held and hugged and kissed. Precious Hopper is ready to hop right into a loving forever family that will cherish her sweet, happy, loving nature. How about yours?

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