

Age:1 year

Adorable Audrey is the purrfect balance of loving and fun! She could easily get away with just being beautiful, since her smooth, polished calico coat is extra unique with its especially soft tones of grays and golds. But her darling white ballet slippers have her busily being the first one to ex0lore any open door or cupboard and scampering after any toy that rolls or bounces. Her kitten fostermates, bigger cats, and a small dog are also among her happy, lively playmates. When bedtime rolls around, here she’ll come to be your great nighttime snuggler and huggy little bed buddy! Who could resist this sweetheart’s elegant little face with those big, gorgeous gray green eyes, expertly applied black eyeliner, and milk-dipped smile?! She’s “sugar and spice and everything nice” and sure to be an all-around joy in a forever family that cherishes her. Audrey would love to be your darling girl!

Littermates:  Alexi, Armani

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