

Age:4 months

Just look at that purrfectly sweet little smile! It belongs to adorable Juniper, known to her dear ones as Junie! She and her devoted brother, Ash, are quite a pair in endless games with her favorite toy mice, anything that rolls, and string toys with feathers! While she can be hesitant in new situations, once she feels safe, she loves to cuddle and loves belly rubs! And who could resist the softness of this extra fuzzy wuzzy doll with her gorgeous tabbytiger coat of silver and pewter stripes and beautifully marked face full of adorable charm! Her brother likes to groom her, and they both like to snuggle up with you in the big bed after a day of happy, lively playtimes! She is also good with other cats but hasn’t been exposed to dogs or children. This classic cuddlebug  treasure is sure to be a joy in a loving family that cherishes her. Could joyful, snuggly Junie be the precious girl for you? Maybe  brother Ash could come too!

Littermate:  Ash

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