Dougie has been adopted!


Look out! Here comes Dougie! You HAVE to meet this crazy guy. He has so much personality, we don't know where he stores it in such a little body. He is absolutely hysterical to play with. We are checking to see if he is part kangaroo, because he loves being up on his hind legs and leaping. He's forever throwing his toys in the air and catching them like a varsity basesall star. Then he'll leap up in the air, arms outstretched for no reason and take off running. He and his three brothers were dumped in a box at a very young age and luckily found by a Cat House employee who had to bottle feed them. They have been in a foster home with older cats, a small dog and older kids. He is very used to noise and commotion, so he will be a nice laid back guy. After playing hard, Dougie is the first boy to hop in an available lap, curl up in a ball and snooze until it's time to go again. Quick to purr, quick to play, and quick to cuddle....what more could you ask for than sweet Dougie! Come and meet him today!

Littermates:  Darwin, Dexter, Dodger