
Flame point

Possum likes to seek you out and love you, his way! This kitten loves to climb, play, jump and play with others. He likes to give little love nibbles because he thinks that it is a sign of affection. He thinks humans are large kitties that you jump up and say hello to them as they enter a room. He doesn't meow a lot except when he is missing you! He does like to snuggle after giving you a few face rubs and then curling up somewhere on you. He has a spell like affection and his funny mannerisms make you shake your head while you fall further in love with him. Watch out though, sometimes when he sleeps he stretches out like a frog, then won't move even if he is in the way!! Possum adores his sister, Racoon, who has a different personality but appreciates her brother's protective cuddle time!

Littermate:  Racoon