Tree Planting – Friday, October 17th, 2014

On Friday, October 17, 2014, volunteers from Tree Fresno, AT&T, The Cat House on the Kings (including staff) gathered in the large pasture on the 12-acre grounds of our sanctuary to plant 25 donated and purchased trees! Our vision is one day to have that entire area filled with shade for people and kitties, as well as to provide a fun and healthy source of fresh fruit! Lynea Lattanzio, director and founder of The Cat House on the Kings, was there in the midst of all the planting – directing the work and dreaming of the future.

We'd love to get a half-dozen or so more shrubs donated to plant in a row in front of our solar panels, as well as two nectarine trees, two apricot trees, two plum trees and two peach trees. If you are local and would like to donate shrubberies or trees (in 5 gallon buckets), please let us know – we'd love more trees. If you're not local and just have a love of trees, feel free to send in a donation check with "trees" marked in the memo section to donate online.

Click on any picture to see a full sized version!

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