Bonus is a sanctuary resident.
Bonus is a cute, cuddly, and adorable gray or silver tabby kitten with big, gray eyes. Bonus got her name because she really is a bonus. Finding her was an unexpected pleasure and surprise. Her human foster mom was trying to catch four other kittens at the same location when Bonus appeared from out of nowhere. She was ready and waiting to be picked up and rescued. Bonus makes hearts melt when she looks up at you with those gray eyes, waiting for a cuddle. Bonus is a very friendly and confident kitten who gets along very well with other cats. Playing, cuddling, and chasing the cats are her favorite activities besides playing with her toys. Spending time with her human is also on top of her list of favorites. She will come over right next to you, start to purr, and knead even before being petted. Purring is a guarantee no matter who started petting first, the human or the kitten. Bonus is Bonus!