Take a Virtual Tour of The Cat House on the Kings
We are located on 12 acres along the Kings River in Parlier, CA
Watch a video tour from the ground or from the air.
We also have a self-guided tour for visitors.
Our long driveway provides plenty of parking for visitors. Visits are by appointment only.
Our property is surrounded by a chain link fence which is 6' high and buried 4"; below ground. There is also a 4' inward facing overhang. The fence keeps our residents inside and other, non-winged critters outside.
The “Sally Port” is a double set of gates which enable people and vehicles to enter the property without leaving an open gate through which residents may leave. They enter through the outer gate, close the gate behind them, and then enter through the inner gate.
A generous bequest from Joan Droge enabled us to build the “Joan Droge Kitten Quarters.” Here we can isolate kittens from exposure to illness before their immune systems have developed fully. The Kitten Quarters also serves as our reception, adoption center and gift shop.
We have added a second building to the Kitten Quarters where we can better isolate kittens for medical treatment. There is also an enclosed run for puppies between the two buildings of the KQ.
This is the office for Maintenance and Housekeeping.
Our new array of solar panels runs along the driveway opposite the garage. It replaced the covered storage area.
The webcam looks towards the "Sally Port" from the end of the new solar panel array.
A new covered storage building now houses all of the supplies previously stored along the driveway opposite the garage.
The ICU is an important part of the daily work at The Cat House and
our experienced veterinary assistants arrive at 6am (or earlier!) to
prepare special diets and begin medicating cats. Only seriously ill
animals are kept in the ICU; animals on long-term medication are held
in other areas.
We have expanded the ICU by adding a second mobile parallel to the first.
This is a small, portable office with a heater for winter.
This is our feeding station for the orchard colony.
The FIV Ward enable our residents who have tested positive for FIV to live comfortably while posing no risk of infection to the other residents.
Kennels 1 to 3 are for long-term medication of our cats.
Kennels 4 to 8 are for ICU recovery.
The main house is 4,200 square feet. The wood stove is where you'll find many of our residents when it gets chilly outside. In the house you'll find the fish pond, Kitty Garden, Pink Room and Condo Room.
The garage has a tent and wood-burning stove to keep the cats warm in
winter. There are misters to keep them cool in the summer.
ClubOne very generously funded the construction of an enclosure for a number of
exotic cats who need special attention, such as Savannah Hybrids and Bengals. This enclosure was built over what used to be the swimming pool.
The Dog Run is an enclosure for the puppies we rescue where they can run and bark and play without bothering the cats directly. It can be configured into two 80' x 10' or four 40' x 10' runs.
This barn, affectionately known as "The Ghetto," is where we keep the mowers and tractors needed to maintain the property as well as one of the feeding stations.
The Holiday Inn is a Tuff shed that is an open shelter where any of our free roaming residents can retreat from the heat or rain as needed. All six of our Tuff sheds have heaters on timers for winter.
The “Pasture Project” is a separately fenced area in which new arrivals spend several months so that we can monitor how they are weathering the transition into the sanctuary before they are given the run of the property. The gates to the Pasture Project are opened twice a year in mid-April and mid-October so the cats have the choice of relocating to any of the 12+ feeding stations on the property.
There are two Tuff sheds in the Pasture Project for shelter. Both are heated in winter and have cooling misters for the summer. There are also trees which our new residents delight in climbing and from which they like to watch visitors.
Kennel 12 is a 25' x 40' enclosure.
Kennel 13 is a 25' x 40' enclosure.
Tent City is our covered shelter and feeding station on the river. It has a 20' x 60' corrugated metal roof that is surrounded by a tent to keep out the wind and rain in winter. Both friendlies and ferals call Tent City home.
The Kings River flows gently past the property.
Where's Waldo Tree: Both friendlies and ferals find refuge at the river. This is Lynea's favorite area! She swears that one day she will have her own Tuff shed on stilts with a rope ladder. In it she will have a hammock and an extension cord. This, she says, is all she needs!
The Poppy Burger Memorial Bench is a favorite point on Lynea's tours where visitors can rest and the cats give them all of the kitty love they can soak up!
This field has been planted with trees which will grow into a shade canopy for the cats.
The long-term plan for this field is to build several 150' square enclosures, each with four Tuff sheds around a shared patio with a cover for both the sheds and patio. The other amenities will be similar to the Pasture Project, including grass and trees. These will be places in which adoptable cats or cats who otherwise need more monitoring can live comfortably while they are here.
Our original Solar Panels are now dwarfed by the solar array along the driveway!
Our seniors have their own play yard with climbing structures.
Alphie's Annex is an additional building within our Senior Center as an alternative for seniors who like a little extra quiet.
The Sadie Malone Senior Center provides a warm, dry place for our senior residents (8 years and older) where they can doze uninterrupted by more boisterous youngsters. They can watch TV indoors or bask in the sunshine on the deck or in the garden. One bedroom is reserved as a “retreat” for overnight visitors to the sanctuary. Visitors must, however, share cooking and laundry facilities with the cats!
Lynea used to live in the main house. Unfortunately she never had a moment away from the many cats who graciously allowed her to use the bedroom, so she moved into this mobile home. The solitude lasted all of about 5 minutes before she took in some special needs cats!
The business office is a mobile which is parallel to Storage #2 closer to the driveway.
Storage #2