Kitten 25079 (Mary) has been adopted!


Playful, energetic little tabbasouras Mary makes the most of every playtime with her lively cutie pie playmates, whacking anything that rolls or dangles and chasing and racing for the sheer fun of it! In her beautiful, bunny-soft suit of brown tabby spots and stripes, she’s dressed for any occasion whether it’s sporty or quiet. She’s a little more reserved and observant meeting new people than her play mates, she likes to take a bit of extra time to assess and adjust to new situations, and will do best in a home with patience. She is sure to blossom into the love bug she has shown to be in her furrever home. She has gotten along well with bigger cats too and isn’t a bit finicky about food! Her personality is sweet and gentle and will make her a joy in a wonderful, loving forever home. Spritely, lovely, and companionable Mary be the cherished new addition in your welcoming world?