Winston Boy has been adopted!

Domestic Short Hair

Who’s the cutest black button in the button box? It just might be wonderful Winston Boy, one of the Ink Blot Babies, and the only brother to five identical sisters! Bouncing and pouncing are a big part of each of his days, but every game and romp is gentle and the vibe is always loving. Every toy is a favorite and he’s fine with other cats and readily snuggles up with the cat friendly dog. This darling boy is super friendly to everyone he meets, loves a cozy lap nap, and bustles right up for any sweet attention. It would be extra wonderful is he had another kitten to grow up with for endless fun and affection. With his boundless sweetness and entertaining energy, could lovable Winston Boy be the extra measure of great joy in your welcoming and protective world?

Mother: Eevee
Littermates:  Buffy, Luna, Raven, Siren